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Inquiry Unit - Years 5 and 6

This Year 5 to Year 6 'Sustainable Dairy Farming' resource, follows an inquiry based approach and endeavours to use information about dairy farming as stimulus for the learning journey, so students can become internally motivated to explore and make connections. This unit investigates and explores the processes dairy farmers use to ensure the growth and survival of their animals and pastures and explores new and existing practices used on Australian dairy farms to care for the environment. (Size: 180Kb)

World Milk Day

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Caring for the environment on a farm

Today’s farmers have a far greater understanding of the impact on the environment than their ancestors 200 years ago. They are continuing to adopt new sustainable practices to protect the land for future generations.

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How dairy farmers care for their cows

This video explains how dairy farmers care for their cows on the farm. A healthy herd is of high importance to farmers and they closely monitor the health of all their cows.

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Resource - Caring for the environment

Find out how dairy farmers care for the environment and manage their farms sustainably.

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Caring for our animals

Learn more about how dairy farmers care for their cows, what cows eat, and who’s who in a typical dairy herd.

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