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Try AgainA spread of dairy products including milk, yoghurt, icecream, cheese, butter and cream
Dairy Milk Cream Yoghurt Butter Farms Nutrients
There are many breeds of dairy cows in Australia. Holstein, Jersey and Aussie Red are the most popular, and all have distinctive characteristics. Learn about all of the different dairy cow breeds and who’s who in the herd.
Australian Ayrshire Breeds Calves Guernsey Heifers Holstein Illawarra Jersey Swiss
This video explains the different breeds of dairy cows. There are seven breeds of dairy cows in Australia. They are Holstein, Jersey, Aussie Red, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Illawarra and Ayrshire. Discover their unique characteristics and the milk the produce.
Australian Ayrshire Breeds Cows Dairy Guernsey Holstein Illawarra Jersey Milk Swiss
These Foundation activity ideas will encourage students to use images, explore factual texts, stories and songs about dairy farms and farmers. They aim to spark student curiosity and inspire them to generate their own questions that investigate farms make the foods they eat. (Size: 779Kb)
Dairy Farmers Farms Students Pasture Milk Science Earth History World Milk Day