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Try AgainThis Discover Dairy Farm to Plate interactive demonstrates the journey of how milk gets from the cow to you. Your students will learn about milk production and the processes used to bring us fresh, great tasting, wholesome milk and dairy products.
World Milk Day
These Foundation activity ideas will encourage students to use images, explore factual texts, stories and songs about dairy farms and farmers. They aim to spark student curiosity and inspire them to generate their own questions that investigate farms make the foods they eat. (Size: 779Kb)
Dairy Farmers Farms Students Pasture Milk Science Earth History World Milk Day
These Year 1 activity ideas will encourage students to read stories about life on a farm and write a descriptive text about their ideal farm or a procedure for making butter. Students will also name different types of dairy foods and display these on a poster board. (Size: 109Kb)
Butter Calves Cream Dairy Farmers Breeds Australian Science School World Milk Day
These Year 2 activity ideas will encourage students to choose a topic to research within the theme of dairy farming. The activities provided can be used as stand-alone teaching ideas, incorporated into an existing program or used to support other inquiry units and resources found on the Discover Dairy website. (Size: 108Kb)
Activity Australian Classroom Dairy Farms Farmers Milk Technology World Milk Day